Press Pack

I play guitar, mandolin, tenor banjo and ukulele. I studied music at Huddersfield University and have completed a Licentiate Teaching Diploma with Rockschool gaining a distinction.
Chris McShane

Passionate about live entertainment

Active musician and instrumental teacher for over 25 years.

Short biography

A familiar face on the Folk, Ceilidh and Ukulele scene all over the UK, I am a popular performer, dance caller and workshop leader. A multi-instrumentalist, playing guitar, tenor and G-banjo, mandolin and ukulele, I am also an acclaimed composer and arranger.

My concert set includes original material, Music Hall and well known songs with a few twists and surprises to have the audience singing along. A wide range of online and face to face workshops for a variety of instruments is listed on my workshops page.

Latest Testimonials

“A wonderful performance from Chris McShane headlining our Afternoon Concert. What a talented entertainer and dazzling uke player. So much positive feedback received from participants of Chris's Finger picking workshop”
Organiser of Walkington Ukulele Festival.

“I liked your warming up sessions to begin the day and the little forays into music theory and how your musical depth coped easily with the barrage of questions from the floor”.
Linda, Workshop Student

“Thank you again for yesterday - I’ve had some lovely feedback and everyone is very enthusiastic about another session”. Ukulele group organiser, Sheffield

My Technical Specifications


I need one good vocal mic ( Shure SM58 or similar) and 3 DIs for my instruments. PA system to be be supplied by the venue/ promoter unless otherwise arranged. I can bring my own PA, but this must be arranged prior to the event. The venue PA must be PAT tested and in good working order with a safe power supply. I generally play standing up and will bring my own stool to sit on for instrumental numbers.

During the Performance

Drinking water should be available for the performance.
If food is provided, please note that I am vegetarian.


Please use the dedicated press photos on my website for any press release and either the short or longer biographies above.

Contact: mobile: 07854 459220 email:
Links: web:

Due Diligence

Please find below useful documents you may require when booking with Chris McShane Music.
© 2025 Chris McShane. All Rights Reserved.